When we moved to Orange County from Texas almost 3 years ago, we knew we'd miss our friends. We also knew that we'd miss owning a nice home on a huge lot. One of the things we realized about 2 weeks into living out here, though, was how much we miss the food. I'm a foody... a connoisseur, if you will.
Texas (Houston in particular) has the BEST food. (How do you think it got to be the fattest city in America?) California has In-n-Out but Texas has pretty much everything else. Carrabba's for the best Italian food. La Madeleine, the best french cafe. Los Cucos for the most incredible mexican food. Ming's for the best chinese. Taste of Texas for the best prime steaks. I just can't seem to find any restaurant out here, anywhere close to as good as any of these restaurants.
One of the things I miss most about Texas is good barbecue. In Brownwood, TX there is this little family owned restaurant called Underwood's Cafeteria. People will drive hours out of their way to come get some Underwood's barbecue. Its so good that it was named one of Texas' Top 10 Restaurants. Not top 10 barbecue joints, TOP 10 Restaurants... in the whole stinking state. Its life changing.
I've had so many people take me to barbecue places since I've moved here and they all say the same thing... "I know you say there's no good barbecue in California but you've never been to ___________" The first place I went was a gigantic disappointment, Lucille's. I had high hopes. A restaurant named after B.B. King's guitar (or is it just coincidence?) had to have some good brisket. Nope.
Covering meat in barbecue sauce does not make it "barbecue" any more than covering it in syrup makes it a pancake. I just made that up so you guys can quote me if you want. Just make sure I get credit.
So last week my friend
Trever told me about one of his new favorite restaurants,
Beach Pit Barbecue. He had previously gone on and on about how good Lucille's was so I was skeptical to say the least.
Well tonight Cyndie, Makenzie and I hopped in the car and took off for dinner. We often just start driving hoping to see something that catches our interest but nothing stuck out. Then I saw Lucille's and thought how great barbecue sounded, of course I wouldn't go there but it sure put me in the mood. I called up Trever and asked him for directions to Beach Pit and we made our way over there. Its just off 17th street and Tustin Rd. on the border of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. We walked in and placed our order. We got our food and were more than pleasantly surprised. I never thought I'd find decent, much less great barbecue in Southern California. Its no Underwood's but it definitely passed the test.
So go check it out, I hear they've even got a new location at Angel Stadium. Oh yeah, stick to the beef brisket. The sausage and pulled pork aren't anywhere close to as good.
If you've stuck with me this long you probably like your food too. Point me in the direction of some good mexican/italian/chinese food here in OC. FYI: Chevy's, Macaroni Grill and P.F Chang's are banned from the comment box.
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