I was looking through some of the pictures I took with my iPhone and thought I'd share a few with you. None of them alone would merit their own post but I figured I'd start something new and put up my random photos from the week on Fridays to let you in on my thrilling daily life.
Photo #1: While we were in New York we saw these posters EVERYWHERE and I had to get a picture. That's not all that exciting, I know, but what is exciting is that my friend Brent plays bass/cello for One Republic. Its been fun watching them explode over the past months. About a year ago I was bowling with Brent and he was telling me about "this new band" that he joined. He said they were really good and had a huge following on myspace. What a difference a year makes. The craziest thing recently was watching them play on Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve.

Photo #2: A couple of days ago I had to drive over to Costa Mesa to drop of some prints at Leather Craftsmen for one of my client's albums. It was about 4pm and I knew I'd get stuck in ridiculous traffic coming home so I did what any crafty photographer would do... I took my child with me so I could use the carpool lane. Makenzie had just woken up from her nap and was watching TV and wanted nothing to do with a trip in the car so I bribed her with dinner at Chic-fil-a. It was kids night and the cow was there so she couldn't have been happier. Kids eat free on Tuesday nights. How sweet is that?

Photo #3: Poker is fast becoming my favorite pastime. Whether its on TV, online or a live game, I'm down. At least once a month my buddy
Becker has a poker night at his house. I've finished in the money a few times but the last 2 times I've gotten put out on ridiculously bad beats. Last time by
Jessica Claire(I went all in on the turn with a full house, 10s full of Jacks, she called and had Queen 10. Only a queen could save her... of course she caught it on the river) and tonight by Becker (I was the big time short stack, I went all in with pocket tens, he called with Ace 8 and caught an Ace on the river.)
The one thing that makes me feel okay tonight is that I got some sweet revenge on Jessica. She raised pre-flop, I re-raised her and she went all in. I called and she flipped over Ace 3. I had pocket kings and after a WAY to stressful flop, turn and river I took her out.
This is a super bad picture but check out the sweet [b] logo chips Jessica got Becker for Christmas.

I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon for Mammoth. I'm going snowboarding with my good friend Justin Lyon, producer of the hit kids show on Nickelodeon,
Yo Gabba Gabba and husband to another one of my photographer friends
Amelia Lyon. Last week it snowed 10 feet up there! It should be epic boarding. I can't wait. Check back on Sunday and I'll let you know if I made it back in one piece.
This concludes the inaugural edition of iPhone Friday.
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